Saturday, October 30

Chapter 358: Freaky Friday

So, it is officially one week until the blog ends. Only 7 days left. Of course, as it turns out, this is kind of a terrible weekend to be the last week of the blog because I’ve kind of got a lot going on this weekend. A perfect example of this is the fact that I am writing Friday night’s blog on Saturday morning, and am pretty much guaranteed to write Saturday night’s blog on Sunday morning. I just have stuff happening these nights. It wasn’t initially going to be this way for the Friday night blog but something wonderful popped up completely at random that I had to do, (more on that later.) Let me tell you about yesterday, right from the beginning. Due to the fact that I needed to get up early and be to work early yesterday morning for the Halloween festivities, I had my alarm set for 5:15am, as opposed to my normal 5:45am alarm. Unfortunately, I didn’t wind up waking up until after 6am and was feeling extremely rushed. I did my best to shove away the feeling of being rushed and just went ahead and did everything I needed to do. The biggest part of what I had to do yesterday morning was get the makeup done for my Halloween costume. My Halloween costume kind of wound up going through several different evolutions – initially it was meant to be a little more of a Bondage Devil but that wound up evolving more into a “Party Monster” inspired Club Kid Devil, which is what I wound up doing for work and I really loved the way that it came out. Of course, there are two different versions of this Club Kid Devil costume – I kind of went for more of an innocent look for work, with less skin and incorporating some softer colors, like pink on the cheeks and lips. Today, for my party, I am doing more of the “naughty” version, or the NSFW version, and going much darker with it. I am really excited for tonight’s version of the costume, actually. Right now, though, we are not talking about tonight yet. We are talking about yesterday morning. Fortunately, I managed to get everything done in a timely manner yesterday morning and still managed to be to work by 7:40am. The first thing I had to do when I got there was do makeup for my co-worker who was dressing up as me. It was a much quicker process than I had expected, which was good. I’m not going to lie – this guy looked a hot mess. They say everybody is a hot mess when they first start doing drag, and this was certainly a form of drag… so, that statement seems to be true. Still, it was pretty crazy because this guy wound up looking like a completely different person after dying his hair and shaving the beard that he has always had. Anything for a laugh, I suppose.

Anyway, work was pretty laid back yesterday, much as I expected it would be. We weren’t busy at all, and I really got to spend a large portion of the day just dicking around. I was a little all over the place yesterday – everywhere but on the phone, it seemed. I feel a little bad about that for my co-workers but I was doing valid things most of the time. Well, valid enough, I suppose. I got to get off the phone and hang out in one of the offices for a while doing makeup for my team lead, which I was really excited about. The big secret theme of management’s costumes wound up being an “Old West” type theme, with them all being dressed as Cowboys and Indians and such, and the co-worker I was doing makeup for was a “Saloon Girl,” aka, a prostitute in a fancy dress. It was a really cute costume, though, in pink and black, and the look that I did on her came out beautifully. I was really proud of my work on that. I was a little disheartened, though, by the fact that there one of the other accounts, my sister’s girlfriend’s account, did an angels & devils theme, so there were an insane amount of devils running around our building yesterday. Still, my devil costume was pretty unique, I think. Not to sound conceited or anything but I think mine was hotter shit than the rest of them. Of course, I am kind of conceited, in general, so I WOULD think that. I was also a little disappointed in the fact that most of the costumes came off by 1 or 2pm. Everybody got sick of wearing their costumes sometime in the middle of the day and changed into regular clothes. I didn’t have extra clothes with me so I just stayed in my costume all day. I was okay with that, though, because I love wearing costumes. Overall, the whole Halloween thing at work yesterday was pretty chill. I was glad to get off, though, and get home to let the REAL Halloween weekend begin.

It wasn’t long after I got home that I received a phone call from Rachel, who I had already made plans with tonight to go out and do last minute shopping for the party, telling me about a different option for yesterday evening’s festivities. As you may remember if you have been following the blog recently, I did a post a couple of weeks ago all about “The Rocky Horror Picture Show” and how much it had inspired me over the years. I also mentioned in that post the fact that I had never been able to get to one of the midnight showings, with all of the audience participation and such, in spite of having made plans to several times in the past. Well, when Rachel called me last night asking if I wanted to go down to the “midnight” showing at the Manatee Players in Bradenton, I immediately said yes. There was a little confusion with buying tickets, which wound up with me having to buy an extra ticket because the website wouldn’t sell me two together but would sell me three together. It was strange. Still, I was really excited about the whole thing – seeing “The Rocky Horror Picture Show” live has always been something I have really wanted to do and I was finally going to. I took off my Halloween costume and did a different, more “Rocky Horror” inspired makeup look using pink and black. When Rachel came over, we did a look on her that was very similar to mine except that we used black and this gorgeous blue from Sugarpill Cosmetics called Afterparty. I was really happy with the way that her makeup turned out, as well. I was slightly concerned, though, about the fact that there were still a few things that I needed to do for the party and we didn’t have a whole lot of time left before the show. So, we came up with a plan that we would forget about a couple of things, (like false eyelashes,) and would make a stop at Wal-Mart and Walgreen’s after the show for the other things. The only thing we didn’t wind up getting done was buying a bottle of Midori for me, which we are going to go do this afternoon before the party, because I am not going to be happy having a party without any Midori Sours. Seeing “The Rocky Horror Picture Show” in a theatre was amazing, honestly, and it was awesome to see all of the different costumes and such. It was also really fun getting hit with rice in the wedding scene and water guns during “Over At The Frankenstein Place,” and shouting out Asshole every time Brad introduced himself to somebody and all the rest of it. I really had a lot of fun. Rachel and I have both agreed that we are totally doing this again next year, (although probably up in St. Petersberg or Tampa,) and actually dressing up and stuff. It was a lot of fun. After watching the film last night, I decided that I need to get myself in better shape by Halloween next year so that I can dress up as Dr. Frank N Furter, because he really is the fiercest character in the film and the one that I can relate to the most. So, that is something I need to start working on over the next year.

So, that pretty much concludes any talk about Friday. It is a little weird that this is the last Friday of the blog. Actually, that’s not actually true – next Friday will be the last Friday and the last any day of the blog. It is this silly thought in my head, but there were certain songs that I had kind of hoped to wind up using as blog titles at some point before the blog ended. One of those songs was The Cure’s “Friday I’m In Love.” This really would have been my last opportunity to use it but it simply doesn’t ring true at this time, so I can’t just do it for the hell of it. I mean, I could – it’s not like I haven’t used random songs as blog titles in the past, but in general I try to make sure that the blog title actually suits what the blog is talking about. Unfortunately, this Friday, (yesterday,) I was not in love and the song doesn’t really fit in with anything else I have to say about the day. So, instead, I am just going to go with the song “Freaky Friday” by Aqua, which is a favorite of mine and DOES suit what I am talking about here. So, that’s that. Now, I should probably get off of the computer and start preparing stuff for the party tonight. I am having one of those Martha Plimpton in “200 Cigarettes” moments, where I am suddenly freaking out and thinking, “OMG NOBODY’S COMING TO MY PARTY,” or “OMG NOBODY LIKES ME!!!” I’m kidding, kind of. I am really not all that concerned about who is showing up at this point – I know that all of my favorite people will show up and if it’s just my favorite people that show up then I will just be hanging out and getting shit-faced with my favorite people, and that will be good enough. I really don’t think that’s going to be the case, though. I think it is going to be a pretty crazy night and that I will have an epic good time. It is going to be awesome. So, I need to go finish getting my house ready for it all. Have a good day, and I’ll be back probably somewhere around this time tomorrow!

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