Thursday, October 28

Chapter 357: She's Not Me

Okay, so I am going to keep it really short this evening. There are a few different reasons for this but the main one is the fact that I need to be up extra early tomorrow morning. The reason for this is the fact that I have to do a bit more of an extreme, and considerably more detailed makeup look than I would on any other day, which will take considerably longer than my makeup does most days. I am pretty excited about my Halloween makeup, though. I am doing a different look for work than I am doing for my party on Saturday night, but I am equally excited about them both. I think it is going to come out looking pretty crazy and pretty awesome! I am excited to finally wear this look out after the test runs and concept drawings and such I had done. I also have to prepare a dish for the potluck they are having at work tomorrow. This is a pretty simple step, since what I am making is Green Beans & Salsa. It is a very simple recipe and will only take a few minutes to prepare. Then I have to get to work about 30 minutes early in order to do makeup for one of my co-worker's Halloween costumes. This guy came up with the most brilliant, gorgeous, unique and original concept for a Halloween costume that I have ever heard of - he is dressing up as ME!!! Of course, I was very flattered by the whole thing & thought it was a really fun idea, although this guy is being slightly offensive about the whole thing. Still, I can't have somebody dressing up as me without an authentic makeup look. I am also loaning him a sweatervest of mine, which is one of the signature pieces of my wardrobe. It should be funny, if nothing else. Still, I am not all that excited about the concept of getting up and doing somebody else's makeup that early in the morning. I AM really excited for doing a few other people's makeup a little later in the day, though. You see, our management are really big on their themed Halloween costumes every year & this year is no exception. So, I have been asked to do the makeup for a couple of the management team for their Halloween costumes. This is a really cool thing, I think, and it will be a lot of fun to dick around with doing makeup looks on other people. I am definitely excited for that part. I am figuring that work will wind up being pretty laid back & fun tomorrow - after all, I get to wear a costume! Everything is more fun in a costume! So, I think it should turn out to be a pretty cool day. For now, though, I need to get ready to get to bed. Before I do go to bed, though, I kind of need to organize my train case with the stuff that I need to take to work with me tomorrow, in terms of makeup. It shouldn't take too long, I don't think. I really should have made myself a new batch of brush cleaner because I am probably going to need it. I don't have all THAT many brushes and thus will need to be cleaning them between uses & such. I think what I have should be alright, though. It'll be a bit of a stretch but I'm sure I can pull it off alright. I'd better get to all of that so I can get to bed pretty quick. Goodnight.

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