Tuesday, October 19

Chapter 348: We Wanna Party

Today was a much better day than yesterday was in many ways. I mean, it didn’t involve being contacted by any famous people or artists that I am obsessed with but it did set my mind at ease about a few different things that had been plaguing me recently and gave me a chance that I didn’t really get yesterday – the chance to just have some fun. Let me explain. Before I do explain, though, I just wanted to take a moment to say that it is already 11:15pm and I need to be getting to bed, so I am going to keep tonight’s blog fairly short. I hate to do this in these, the very last days of the blog, but I simply must be getting to bed soon if I am going to wake up on time and make myself gorgeous in the morning... and tomorrow is a day in which I definitely want to make myself gorgeous. I’ll elaborate more on that later. First, let me go ahead and get back to the explanation that I mentioned before – what I mean when I say that today gave me the chance to just have fun, whereas yesterday did not, I simply mean that yesterday was kind of a high stress day and I had a lot of emotional mess going on. Today I was able to let go of some of that mess and just have a good time for a while. This all begins with the issue I had discussed in last night’s blog, in which my ego had me beginning to ask questions like, “what about me?” and “what does all of this mean to me?” As it turns out, today set my mind at ease about that situation a lot, which I was really relieved about, and I managed to have a lot of fun with the whole situation and the people involved today. It was a very positive thing for me. As far as the second situation I discussed in last night’s blog – there is no progress at this point. I kind of feel like the situation is being avoided, honestly, but I am not allowing myself to get overly concerned about it. It doesn’t honestly matter that much – it is just something interesting.

Work was pretty boring today. I found myself getting REALLY bored as the day wore on and having a lot of trouble finding ways to entertain myself. By the end of the day, though, when a lot of management had left the building and such, I was able to let loose a little and have some fun. The real fun came after work, though. Rachel picked me up from work and we decided to do the shopping for my Halloween party this evening. I really had no idea of what I wanted to do as far as any of it went but I was very fortunate to have Rachel around to sit me down and speak with me about it all in a rational way. I was also very fortunate to find that Rachel has some really good organizational skills, and we sat down and made a list of what was needed for the party, worked out a bit of a budget for it all and were extremely prepared when we left the house to actually go shopping. We came up with a list of items we needed to pick up and figured out each place we needed to go to get these items, which wound up coming down to only two places – Wal-Mart and an ABC Liquor Store. It was as simple as those two stops. So, we went to Wal-Mart first and gathered up most of the necessary supplies to make a wicked “hunch punch,” as well as a couple of cases of beer, some random decorative items and a few random pieces of Hard Candy makeup, which Rachel and I had both been really curious about. We were in Wal-Mart for over an hour before we both started feeling that strange itch that only Wal-Mart can bring – I hate Wal-Mart. So does Rachel. We were both discussing how we try to avoid going there like the plague and how anytime we are there, after a certain point, we just feel this overwhelming urge to get the heck out. So, it was on to ABC Liquors, where we picked up the remaining ingredients for the “hunch punch,” as well as each picking up our own drink of choice, (Midori and Sour Mix for me, Jagermeister for her.) It was all fine and there really isn’t anything more that I need for the party, although I did go horribly over budget and am left barely scraping by until my next paycheck. All this really means, though, is that I really can’t do ANYTHING between now and when I get paid again. At least, not anything that costs money. So, the next week and a half will be a lot of nights at home – I am okay with that. No TOTIs trip this weekend or anything like that. In fact, it is just dawning on me that this means we won’t be going to TOTIs for the next two weeks, due to no funds this weekend and the party the following weekend. That sucks. It’ll be worth it, though. In fact, I think it is actually a really good thing – I could probably use a little break from all the drinking that I have been doing recently… at least, until the party. Then I will get fucking wrecked out of my brain. I am just happy that I have managed to get everything for the party sorted out now, so that when I get paid again I won’t have to spend any further money on it. The only thing left for my party is a part of my costume – false eyelashes. I couldn’t find any decent ones this evening. What can you expect from Wal-Mart? That step can be sorted out the day before, or even the day of, the party. That is not really a concern. I am just really excited for my Halloween party. I think it is going to be a shitload of fun.

So, aside from all of that, I bought dinner from Little Cesar’s tonight and we came back to the house and overloaded on pizza while watching the past two episodes of “The A List: New York,” which is my new favorite “guilty pleasure” show, and became Rachel’s new favorite this evening, as well. All in all, it was a pretty fun day. That day, however, is over now. I need to get my beauty rest this evening in order to wake up tomorrow and get myself all dressed up in purple. I spent much of today harassing my co-workers and such to wear purple tomorrow, as well. You see, tomorrow has been dubbed “Spirit Day,” in memory of the many GLBTQ youths who have committed suicide recently after suffering bullying, harassment and abuse from their people and the people in their lives. These are kids who were made to feel like there was nobody or nowhere for them to turn and that their lives would never get better. It is a horrible thing and an issue that I feel extremely strongly about. I know what it is like to be one of those kids, in a lot of ways, and I have been extremely fortunate to make it to the other side and to see that life really does get better. It is such a simple thing, yet such a powerful way to honor the memory of these kids whose lives have already been lost and show our support for those who are still living with these struggles. If you are reading this and have the opportunity, please wear some purple tomorrow. I know it seems like it doesn’t make any REAL difference but it certainly can’t hurt. On that note, I bid you adieu. Goodnight.

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