Sunday, October 17

Chapter 345: Love Game

Once again, it is late Sunday afternoon and I am just sitting down to write Saturday night’s blog. This is a fairly common occurrence considering last night was Saturday night and I went out… at least, it is not that I am not doing video blogs anymore. So, where do I begin to talk about yesterday? I woke up at 10:30am yesterday morning and got a really slow start to the day. I was feeling very lazy and didn’t really do much of anything for the first few hours that I was up. I was kind of watching out the window for the mailman to come because I was really hoping that I would receive my order from Sugarpill Cosmetics, which is the makeup I ordered specifically for Halloween. It was only a couple of hours after I woke up that I got a knock on my door – it was the mailman with a big box from Sugarpill Cosmetics. I kind of freaked out with glee as I ripped the package open. Now, I kind of assumed I’d be impressed with the products themselves because I have seen them in action a lot of times but I was also immediately impressed with the first thing I saw in the box. There was a lot of pink packing paper and at the very top when I opened the box there was a “receipt,” summarizing the order and cost and everything and on this paper, in pink marker, was a little note from Amy, the founder of Sugarpill Cosmetics, that simply read, “Thanks Jason! <3 Amy,” along with an adorable little Lisa Frank looking colorful cat sticker. I just felt like that was a really nice personal touch for a small, upstart company. It kind of adds a little personal element to the shopping experience, which I thought was really cool. I was also incredibly impressed with the packaging on all of these items – for such a small, new company they have really gorgeous packaging on their products, full of really bright, vibrant colors and absolutely no indication that they are a new company at all. The packaging for these products was actually a lot more impressive than a lot of the stuff that I have gotten from some of the biggest names in cosmetics, like Stila, MAC and Urban Decay. As far as the products themselves, I was extremely impressed with them – I knew I would be. I bought the Burning Heart palette, which includes four very large eye shadow pans, including an insanely pigmented “traffic cone” orange called Flamepoint, a bright true yellow called Buttercupcake, a deep purple called Poison Plum and, best of all, the most gorgeous, highly pigmented matte red eye shadow I have ever seen called Love+. As soon as I opened the package I swatched these colors on my hand and was completely blown away by them. It is insane how pigmented these colors come off on the skin. Seriously, they look INSANE. The colors go on your skin pretty much EXACTLY how they look in the pans, which is incredible when discussing colors like yellow, orange and red, all of which typically have a tendency to not be all that pigmented and go on looking very different on your skin. I cannot say enough good things about these products and I am already browsing the Sugarpill website for more!

After experimenting with my Sugarpill products a bit, I called my sister to ask her about giving me a ride to work on Monday and Tuesday, since my Mom is going to be out of town. When my sister answered the phone, though, she said that she had been meaning to call me because they were putting together a surprise birthday party for Jaq, her girlfriend’s daughter. I had completely forgotten that her birthday was coming because they have this funny thing that they do every year for both of her daughter’s birthdays, in which they celebrate for a much longer period than just one day, so I have never been entirely certain of the actual day either of their birthdays fall on. Anyway, so they told me that they were putting together this party for yesterday night and that I needed to come. I had already made plans with Rachel for going out to TOTIs yesterday evening but I figured I could do both. They asked me to come over early, when my Mom off work before she left town, so I suddenly had to be ready a lot sooner than expected. So, I had been experimenting with my Sugarpill makeup and was wearing this really ridiculous, over the top look I had come up with that I didn’t necessarily want to wear out for the evening, so I had to take it all off and kind of rush through the process of reapplying my makeup. I did a gorgeous look using the Stla Jewel Eye Palette but since I was rushing, I forgot to put on a primer and the look was pretty worn after not too long.

Once I arrived over at my sister’s house, I just spent a little while hanging out and talking to all of them about all the random issues of my life right now and such. It was nice because it seems like there is less and less time that I get to just hang out and talk with my sister and her girlfriend and their family. Of course, it was like 6pm when I actually started drinking this spiked punch stuff they made. I was already feeling a little bit of a buzz by 7pm when people started arriving. I had a lot of fun, though, and was very excited to get to hang out with some people that I hadn’t really gotten to see in a while. Most notably, my dear friend Kessler actually came down. I hadn’t seen him in months and it was really nice to get a chance to catch up with him for a while. We always had a lot of fun together back in the day and last night was a fun way to revisit that. I miss that guy. Like I said, I had a lot of fun there and wasn’t actually in the mood to leave when Rachel arrived to pick me up and head over to TOTIs. We actually hung out there for quite a while before leaving. I had a lot of fun and, like I said, it was really good to hang out for a while with people I don’t get a lot of chance to hang out with. I even got to spend a little while doing some harmless flirting with a hot old friend of mine, which is always nice and actually continued a little throughout the evening after I left by way of Facebook comments.

Now, I had actually drunk a LOT at my sister’s house and was feeling kind of a mess by the time we left. I had actually developed a bit of a headache and was feeling kind of shitty. Still, Rachel and I had been talking about going out to TOTIs all week and I was not about to punk out on that. So, after stopping by my house for a few minutes to do makeup touch-ups and grab my iPod speakers. Then, we headed out to Venice and partook of our favorite part of these trips – rocking out to all of our favorite pop music on the way! It was a big mish-mash of Ke$ha, Robyn, Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera and, our favorite party soundtrack, Katy Perry! Once we arrived at the bar I was still feeling pretty crappy and just kind of posted up at the bar while Rachel befriended some random gay kid who we met there. I had one of those experiences where I was feeling crappy and I was trying to convince myself that I could drink the crappy feeling away. I realized about $40 worth of drinks later that this wasn’t going to be the case. It was kind of a strange night for me after leaving my sister’s house but I had a lot of fun. I just felt really messed up. I was still feeling crappy by the time I got home and pretty much immediately put myself to bed. Of course, I made sure this time to remove my makeup and wash my face beforehand in order to avoid another breakout, since the last one still hasn’t entirely cleared up. It was a good day yesterday, though. I had a lot of fun.

One other thing I wanted to mention here is that I have found a new “mark.” By this I mean that I have met somebody who I am feeling really into right now. Actually, I met this person a very long time ago but have never really looked at them in this way before. I don’t know how to explain it exactly but I just suddenly started looking at them differently and have decided that this could be something I would be interested in pursing… and so, the game begins. That’s right, folks, Lady Gaga was right when she called it a “Love Game.” In fact, on the way home from the bar last night I played that song and suddenly found myself thinking, “Oh wow, this is all sounding pretty accurate.” I was particularly drawn in by the second verse of the song, which says, “I’m on a mission and it involves some heavy touching, yeah, You’ve indicated your interest, I’m educated in sex, yes, and now I want it bad, want it bad, a love game, a love game.” That kind of summarizes my feelings at the moment. I don’t know how to explain it exactly but it is like something comes over me and I become very focused. I become a man on a mission. I home in on my target and become very single-minded about it all until one of two things happens. The first of these two things is that something actually comes of it and I get to put my education in sex to good use. The second option is that I become increasingly discouraged about the whole thing and start feeling rejected and give up. I am that man on a mission now. Which direction this takes is yet to be determined. I suppose we shall see in time. For now, though, I need to get to the rest of my day. I don’t have a lot planned, aside from enjoying one of my very favorite Halloween-time traditions, watching “The Rocky Horror Picture Show,” if I can find my DVD of it, and doing laundry. Of course, it is already after 5pm so if I am going to do any of it I need to get to it pretty much immediately. Have a good day. Blog again in just a few hours!

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