Friday, September 17

Chapter 315: U Should Know Better

Okay, so it is actually well into Friday right now and I am just sitting down to write the Thursday night blog. It has been a really long week and so, by the time that I would normally be sitting down to write the blog for the evening, I passed out on the couch and didn’t wake up until 8am this morning. So, as soon as I woke up I posted on Facebook that I had passed out last night and would start writing the blog then. Unfortunately, I wound up getting distracted… by what, I don’t even remember, but whatever it was lasted several hours. I’m pretty sure it was the TV. Then I threw on some makeup and filmed a perfectly good video blog that I could’ve posted but immediately afterwards just didn’t feel very good about what I had filmed and decided not to post it. Then I started writing this blog but decided to spend a few hours singing and dancing in my bedroom instead. So, here I am at 5pm without a blog posted for last night. I can’t just make it to only 50 days away from the end and just start missing days. So, this just means that there will have to be two blog posts today.

Of course, this is supposed to be Thursday’s blog, not Friday, so I guess I should talk about Thursday. I woke up late yesterday morning, about an hour after I normally would. I didn’t stress myself out about it, though, and managed to get everything done that I normally get done in the morning. I arrived at work feeling pretty decent and ready to face the day, in spite of how sick of it all I was on Wednesday. It was actually a really boring day at work. The guy who sits next to me normally was off yesterday, so I didn’t have that to keep me entertained. I tried to write a couple of new songs but nothing came of it. I did a little bit of drawing that I was actually pleased with, which was good because 90% of the drawings I have done recently have come out kind of funky. So, that was a good thing. I also got my break buddies back yesterday after they were in some random training on Wednesday, forcing me to take most of my breaks alone. Of course, that random boy kept popping up on all of my breaks Wednesday, which was somewhat of a pleasant experience. Overall, though, work was really boring and I was really excited to get out of there yesterday evening. The whole “working four days in a row” thing is going to take some getting used to again. I’ve never had to work four 10-hour days in a row before and, I must say, it takes a lot out of you. I’d say working five 8-hour days was easier than four 10-hour days. Either way, though, I am very glad for this new schedule and was pretty thrilled when I left work yesterday knowing that I wouldn’t have to go back for three days.

I also had some dealings with the boy I was obsessing over before, who I had kind of written off as just a friend, that were very different from the type of dealings you generally have with your friends. The whole thing was a little strange and confusing and just… ugh. So, there’s that. I also had made some plans with April, Devin, Whitney and Nate for tonight, (Friday night,) but realized earlier this week these plans wouldn’t work out very well. I am still not used to the fact that my Mom works on Saturdays and always assume that on the weekends when she is going out of town she will be leaving on Friday night. Not the case. In fact, she has to go to bed early on Friday night because she goes in to work at 8am on Saturdays. So, it would be kind of fucked up of me to have a bunch of people over to the house on a Friday night knowing that she does have to get up so early on Saturday morning. Because of this I went ahead and cancelled those plans. It kind of sucks but it works out fairly well for me because I actually need to use that night to get out and run some last minute errands with my Mom before she leaves town for the weekend. Basically, a Walgreen’s run is in order. I need to pick up a few supplies, like makeup remover pads, shaving cream and things of that nature, as well as enough soda to get through the weekend, etc. Plus, I have been eyeing up a few different pieces of drugstore brand cosmetics that I would really like to pick up. I need a new concealer and don’t feel like paying $16.50 for MAC Pro concealer, as much as I would love to, so I am going to look through the drugstore brand stuff. I have also been hearing a lot of good things about Revlon’s Colorstay Foundation, which I may pick up because moving into fall I want to go with a more full-coverage foundation. The main thing I really want to check out, though, are the Revlon “Just Bitten” lip stain & balms that they have come out with recently. I have read several reviews on them and seen a lot of swatches of the colors and am really excited to give them a try. I also need to pick up a foundation brush because I feel like the foundation application process will go a lot better with a brush and give a much more natural finish.

Like I said, yesterday was really boring so I am going to talk a little more about today – I have spent a little money already today. I spent $17 on a bottle of Stila’s One Step Makeup. I am a little leery about this because I bought it on Ebay, which I have had negative experiences with in the past, but I am giving it a shot because this product retails for $44 on Stila’s website and that is more than I care to pay for something that I am not entirely sure about. So, I am going to give it a shot through Ebay first. One Step Makeup is designed to replace the four main face products one would usually wear, primer, foundation, concealer and powder. Based on the reviews I have seen it does a really great job of replacing all of those products, aside from the concealer. So, I am still purchasing concealer later. It’s worth a shot, I figure, especially at less than half of the retail price. That also makes me question it a bit but the seller seems pretty legit. I swear, I hate Ebay. I also spent a chunk of my paycheck on something very special that I don’t have a single question about – two tickets to see ROBYN!!! I couldn’t possibly be more thrilled with this purchase. I am going to see FUCKING Robyn, for chrissakes! It is going to be amazing. It is a little crazy because I have been listening to Robyn since the 90s, when she was initially a pop star and actually managed to follow her success most of the time since then, even listening to those two albums that never got released or got any press in the US. She is one of my favorite artists out there, especially in the current musical climate – I think she is one of the best artists making music today and could not be more excited about the fact that I will be seeing her in less than two months.

Speaking of less than two months, there is less than two months until this blog project is over. I am kind of sad about that but at the same time am kind of excited about the prospects of what I may do after this ends. I’ve been tossing around quite a few different ideas for things to begin once this blog ends. Initially, the plan was to immediately begin a different blog – a multimedia fashion/beauty blog, which would include YouTube video reviews of products and tutorials and such. I still may do this because I have been thinking for a very long time about the concept of getting into the world of YouTube beauty. I’m not entirely certain about that, though. I think it may wind up being something that I do but only do sparingly. I have decided that I don’t want this to be my main project moving forward. None of what I do is going to be my main project, though – my main project is going to be writing music based on this blog. Still, I need something that will be considerably more structured than that process will be. One idea that I have come up with is doing a weekly podcast. It wouldn’t necessarily have any real central theme but would discuss all of the things that are of interest to me, including fashion and beauty, music, general life stories and things of that nature. Kind of like this blog, documenting my life, but much less focused on my day-to-day life and more about showcasing things that are of interest to me. One of the main factors of that podcast would be having guests on to discuss the various goings on of life with me. I would feature various friends and such and really try to make the podcast humorous, more than anything else. Kind of like the roundtable segments on “Chelsea Lately,” only less focused on celebrities. LESS focused on celebrities, not completely not focused on celebrities, of course. I really love the idea of that, although I know that a podcast is considerably more difficult to put together than just writing a blog. Still, it is something that I have always talked about doing and I think I would have a lot of fun with it. The only issue I really have is the fact that it doesn’t seem like podcasts have a huge audience, which isn’t necessarily important but if I am going to put the effort into doing it I kind of want it to have some sort of audience. I don’t know if I will actually wind up doing that but it is definitely something that I am going to put a lot more thought into.

Anyway, it is now 6:20pm and I need to go get myself showered and dressed for my errand running this evening. Is it sad that my big plan for Friday night has gone from a get-together with friends to going out to Walgreen’s to buy cheap makeup? I didn’t think so, either. I am just glad that this week is over with – it was a big mess and I am over it. Fortunately, it is over now and I have the whole weekend to forget about it all. So, I’d better go get cleaned up and ready to leave the house. I’ll be back to the blog in a few short hours, though. I think I’ll probably do a video blog tonight, just to save myself the hassle of having to try to find something to talk about enough to fill a whole blog post this evening. We’ll see, though. Good evening!

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