Tuesday, September 7

Chapter 305: Sing/Make Your Own Kind Of Music

After coming home Friday evening and being concerned/frustrated about the fact that I hadn’t made any plans for this long weekend, and feeling determined to somehow come up with some sort of plans to get out of the house this weekend, it is now Monday night and I can honestly say that I wound up having a really great weekend. It also wound up being a pretty busy weekend. Both Friday and Saturday wound up fairly well documented in Saturday night’s blog but I know that Sunday night’s video blog didn’t really tell you a whole lot, aside from the one thing that it made abundantly clear: I got fucked up! I honestly wasn’t sure if I should have posted that video blog because it was a little messed up and not the most coherent thing in the world but when I woke up this morning I was in a bit of a rush and it had already finished processing, so I said, “Fuck it.” So, I guess I should begin with Sunday. Actually, I’d probably be better off starting with a little detail I left out of Saturday night’s blog. It’s actually not a little detail at all but it’s something that I didn’t think of while writing that blog. I have thought about it a LOT since then, though. You see, Saturday night while Rachel and I were at Starbucks, we talked about a lot of different things. It was mostly random stuff that wasn’t overly important or bitching/joking about different situations in our lives right now. One thing that we discussed, though, that was pretty important was what is going to happen next year when the lease at the apartment I share with my Mom runs out. My Mom and I have discussed it quite a bit in the past and it has pretty well been determined that we are most likely to go in separate directions at that point. In other words, I would not be living with my Mom anymore. Don’t get me wrong, I have lived away from my Mom before but in my actual “adult” life, and I mean the life in which I have been working regularly and actually making the effort to be responsible, I have never lived away from her. Still, the situation we are in right now is a really great thing for me because it is exactly like we are living as roommates, financially, except that I have the added emotional support of living with my Mom. I am definitely in a place at this point where I could pull off living on my own financially. I mean, I would need to live with a roommate or something of that nature but I could definitely do it. On the emotional side of things I am pretty good, as well, but I am definitely not in a place where I feel like I could live completely alone. I would need somebody around. Just the concept of living alone really weirds me out. I don’t like it one bit. Either way, though, I am at a point in my life where I am ready to be living independently. Rachel and I were discussing this because she is in that very same place, although situations are different, and as we were discussing it a light bulb went off in our heads – why not move in together? We know each other well enough to know how to handle one another and we are close enough that we know that no matter what types of issues can come up when you are living with somebody we would be able to get through it. I have thought a lot about it and I think it is one of the best ideas possible. Rachel and I, I think, are really great for one another and would make really great housemates. Plus, I think we would have a lot of fun living together and would be really great influences on one another’s day-to-day lives in that sort of living situation. Of course, one very important step in that whole plan would be me learning how to drive. I mean, she has said that she would be cool with getting me to work and such but it seems like that would be a lot more burden than I would want to put on her. Plus, she has already offered to teach me how to drive so, should this all pan out properly, it would actually be helping both of us out. So, that is something that I am very excited about.

On Saturday night, Rachel and I had also kind of discussed hanging out on Sunday night, as well, but she wasn’t sure about it because we wanted to hang out with Kailey, as well. Kailey is the friend of Rachel’s who we hung out with recently and painted with. I really liked her a lot and, apparently, she liked me, as well. We all wanted to get together and hang out more, so we were thinking of giving that a shot on Sunday. It all seemed pretty unclear on Saturday night, so Sunday I just kind of went about my day like I normally would. My sister came and picked me up and I just went and hung out at their house for most of the day. We just watched a couple of movies and talked and such. I wasn’t sure what to say when Rachel called me that afternoon to ask if I still wanted to hang out that evening because, in general, when I go hang out with my sister and her girlfriend, I wind up staying pretty late. So, when she asked, I initially said no. She told me that she had cancelled plans with this boy who she is dating-ish to hang out and such, and I felt really bad. I mean, she didn’t do it as a guilt trip sort of deal but I felt bad, anyway. I checked with my sister and she said that it would be cool for Rachel to come pick me up over there, so I text messaged her and we made plans for her to come get me at 7pm for what was initially planned as bowling. Once she picked me up, we talked about it a little bit and kind of mutually decided that the bowling wasn’t really the part we were interested in and that it was more about just drinking, so we decided to skip out on the bowling alley altogether and just go straight for bars. We had been talking for a while about going back out to TOTI’s, Tavern On The Island, where we had hung out once a few weeks ago – the only gay bar within a 30 mile radius or so. The last time we went there we had a pretty good time but weren’t overly impressed or anything, aside from being overly impressed with this super hot bartender there. We both agreed that we wanted to give it another shot, though. The plan that we came up with was to go there first and then kind of do a “pub crawl” back in the direction of my house. When we got to TOTI’s it was pretty empty and our hot bartender wasn’t there. Plus, we realized that the drinks were kind of ridiculously overpriced. So, we only stayed there for one drink and wound up moving on to the Boar’s Head in Gulf Gate back in Sarasota. We hung out there for a few hours and had quite a few drinks there and just had a generally great time. It was a LOT of fun. I had a really great time and Rachel, Kailey and I decided that we were a sort of trifecta. I just love the feeling of having a group of friends who you have a lot in common with and just all complement one another really well – well enough to form a little trifecta. Sunday night was a ton of fun.

Of course, Sunday night didn’t feel as fun on Monday morning. I didn’t fall asleep until 3:30-4am Sunday night and woke up at 10am this morning to a call from my sister’s girlfriend asking if I was up and how soon I could be ready for them to come pick me up. Like I said, I was feeling pretty fucked up this morning. I actually woke up with a little bit of that “still drunk” feeling. Still, I told them that I could be ready by 11am, which only gave me an hour to get up and get myself ready for the day, as well as to get last night’s video blog uploaded and posted. Still, I kept a positive attitude about it all and just got myself out of bed and immediately tended to the upload of the video blog, then headed into the bathroom to get dressed and do hair and makeup for the day. The main thing I wanted to accomplish today was getting my hair cut because I have been really irritated with it. I was, however, a little worried about the cost of getting it cut. I wouldn’t say that I had gotten low on cash, per se, but I had definitely gotten to a point where I felt like I needed to be a little more concerned about what I was spending. I kept a positive attitude about that, as well, and simply moved forward with getting myself ready for the day. By the time I put all the finishing touches on my face and outfit and got the video posted to the blog and advertised on Facebook and Twitter, my phone started ringing saying that they were nearly to my apartment complex to pick me up. We went out to breakfast at Denny’s, then headed over to Michael’s Arts & Crafts store to pick up a few things. You see, my sister and her girlfriend didn’t buy me anything for my birthday, so they had promised me a trip to the MAC store where they would buy me some stuff for my birthday. Somewhere along the line, though, I decided to let them off the hook of having to go to the MAC store, because they both hate that sort of thing, and told them that they could just take me to Michael’s to pick up some art supplies. I think it is pretty clear at this point, anyway, that my preferred brand of high-end makeup is Stila, anyway. Plus, I really wanted a new sketchbook and some better quality colored pencils than I have currently. So, while at Michael’s I picked up a large sketchbook and a smaller one for working while I’m at work and such, as well as a set of soft drawing pencils. My sister told me that she had a really good set of colored pencils that she hadn’t used and didn’t have a lot of use for that she could give me, so I was covered for everything I needed as far as art supplies go. They also solved my problem as far as being concerned about the cost of getting my haircut by offering to cut my hair for me. I’ll admit that I was slightly concerned about this whole thing but I maintained positive thinking about this and, in the end, was very happy with the results. It looks really good. We all sat down and watched a movie this evening before they brought me home. On the way home, though, I had to stop at a Walgreen’s to get cash out of the bank for this girl at work who has started selling Mary Kay Cosmetics and conned me into buying some stuff. You may remember me mentioning in Saturday night’s blog that I had gone and done this on Saturday, (when the woman at the cosmetics counter told me I looked beautiful.) Well, on Sunday night, in an attempt to cut costs while out drinking, I decided to use that money, or a portion of it, instead of using my card because I have a much easier time stopping myself when I spend too much when I am looking at actual money instead of some nameless faceless number I know is existing in my bank account. So, I had to replace that. While I was at Walgreen’s I decided to take my little hair makeover a step further by picking up a package of hair dye. Once I got home, I sat down for a little while with my Mom to kind of catch up, since we have hardly seen each other all weekend, then headed into the bathroom to dye my hair. I really love the way it came out. I am excited to go out into the world and show it off.

I will have that chance tomorrow, since I have decided to go ahead and go in to work on my day off to make up some of the hours I missed having the holiday off. I didn’t want to give up the entire day, though, so I have decided to go into work for only 4 hours, fitting in with my Mom’s work schedule. She is working 11:30am-8pm, so I figured I would go in with her at 11:30am and leave when she goes on lunch at 3:30pm. I figured that making up for nearly half of the time I missed would be good enough. Plus, like I said, I don’t want to give up my entire day. I’m thinking that maybe after I get off tomorrow, I will lay around and watch some movies, which is the one thing that I didn’t wind up doing at all this weekend – at least, not at home. I did watch a few movies over the weekend over at my sister’s house but not movies of my choosing. I am really in an old Hollywood mood again, as per usual lately, and really want to watch “East Of Eden,” starring my boyfriend template James Dean. One thing I can say about this weekend is that being so busy for the weekend and going out and having fun with my friends and family really took my mind off of that whole stupid mishap with the boy on Friday. I feel much better about the whole thing at this point. I think I had exactly the holiday weekend I was meant to have. Boy stuff can wait until another weekend. Like I said, I feel like everything happened exactly how it was meant to and I wound up having an awesome weekend. So, with that, I need to get to bed. My alarm is set for exactly 8 hours from now, so I am hoping to get a decent night of sleep – the one thing I didn’t do this weekend. Goodnight.

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